Google+ Tech Geeks: Computer tips and tricks


Showing posts with label Computer tips and tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computer tips and tricks. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2014

Simple Virus Creation in Windows Systems

What is Computer virus?
Nowadays everybody aware of computer virus.
Computer viruses are small software programs that are designed to interfere with computer operation.

Today we will create a small and funny virus, which will reboots the computer.
virus creation with Internet explorer
Creating Virus

Funny Internet explorer virus creation
Whenever we double click on Internet explorer Computer will be restarted. For creating such virus follow the below steps.

1. Go to Desktop

2. Right click > new > Shortcut

3. In “Type the Location of the item” > write: “C:\WINDOWS\system32\shutdown.exe -r -t 00″ without double quotes.

4. Click next and in “Type a name for this shortcut” write ”Internet Explorer” and click Finish.

5. Now Right Click on the shortcut of Internet Explorer and go to “Change Icon” and select the icon of Internet Explorer.

6. Now the virus is ready. Whenever you double click on Internet Explorer Shortcut, Computer will restart.

Note: Same method can be used for any program(like Internet explorer) for creating the virus by changing the name and icon in steps 4 and 5).

Please share, if you likes this post.

Friday, February 7, 2014

How to make our Windows Genuine

How to make our Windows Genuine?
After a period of time(trail versions) many of the windows 7 OS users will face an error that "Window 7 is not genuine". If our windows OS is not a genuine version, it will not allow us to change the background screen and irritates us very often. This "Window 7 is not genuine" error message will come if we are using pirated or OEM versions of Windows 7.

Genuine Windows 7 OS
Genuine OS
Windows 7 Not Genuine Error in your PC

          Genuine OS issue in PC

For rectifying this error, do the follow the below steps and make your windows 7 as Genuine.
1st Method
Note: Before running the below steps make sure you are running windows as administrator

1) Start --> all programs --> accessories --> command prompt
Key combination of Windows button + R and type cmd --> Enter

2) In command prompt type SLMGR /REARM and hit Enter.

SLMGR /REARM will re-set the rearm counter and you can reset your rearm count how many times you you will have windows 7 running forever in trial mode.

3) One window will be opened like showed in the below figure and Press Ok.

Genuine Windows 7 OS
Genuine Windows OS

4) Reboot the system and your Windows will work normally without any Genuine OS Problems(Note: For some systems you may need to reboot 2 times for avoiding the Popup window of Genuine OS problem.)

2nd Method

Sometimes many of us face the Windows OS Genuine version problem. To rectify this problem/issue, do the following steps and make your Windows OS as Genuine.

1) Copy and Paste the following code in the notepad.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents]
"OOBETimer"=hex:ff,d5,71,d6,8b,6a,8d,6f,d5,33, 93,fd
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]
"CurrentBuild"="1.511.1 () (Obsoletedata - do not use)"


2) Save this notepad file with the .reg extension.

3) Now double click or run the file. It will ask you the confirmation to add the value to registry.

4) Then press yes.

5) Reboot your System.

6) Start Downloading from Microsoft Site.

If you liked the above post then don’t forget to share & comment...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Make your computer Speak

Make your computer speak whatever you input to it.
It looks interesting that, if anybody tells that they will make your computer to speak whatever they write or inputs.
Make your computer speak whatever you input
Make your Computer Speak

To create one such talk script, follow the steps given below:-

Step 1.
 Open Notepad.

Step 2.
 Copy and paste the exact code given below:

     Dim Message, Speak
     Message=InputBox("Enter text and visit ","Speak")
     Set Speak=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
     Speak.Speak Message

Step 3.
Click on File menu, save As, select All Types in Save as Speak.vbs or "*.vbs"(replace * with your own name.).

Step 4.

Double click on the saved file, then a window will open,like showned in the below figure.
Enter text for computer to speak
Enter text for Computer to speak
Enter some text in enter text column and click OK.

Now your Computer will speak / talk what you typed in step 4.

Windows Compatibility: This VBS file can be executed on all versions of Windows.

Please share it, if you likes the trick.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


A serial number is an alphanumeric identifier for your software that identifies and verifies it as a legal copy, and is often requested during installation or registration.

Follow these below mentioned steps to find the serial keys of a particular software for free.
Software Serial Keys
Serial Key

 Go to webpage.

ii) Write down the name of the 
software which you want to get the key and add 94FBR at the end

Eg:  if you want to find key of IDM then write    "IDM 94FBR" (without quotes)

iii) Search it and you can find many sites with serial keys of those softwares

Hope this post helps you in finding the serial key for your software.

Please comment for any additions or suggestions and Share this post with all your friends.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Windows 8 OS Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows key
 – brings up the Metro start screen. You can start typing to search for an app, just like the Win7 start menu.

Windows 8 Keyboard Shortcuts
Windows 8 Shortcuts
Win + D – brings up the old Windows desktop.
Win + C – brings up the Charms menu, where you can search, share, and change settings.
Win + I – opens the Settings panel, where you can change settings for the current app, change volume, wireless networks, shut down, or adjust the brightness.
Win + Z – opens the App Bar for the current Metro application.
Win + H – opens the Metro Share panel.
Win + Q – brings up the Metro App Search screen.
Win + W – brings up the Metro Settings search screen.
Win + F – brings up the Metro File search screen.
Win + K – opens the Devices panel (for connecting to a projector or some other device)
Win + , (comma) – Aero Peek at the desktop.
Win + . (period) – Snaps the current Metro application to one side of the screen. (Right side)
Win + Shift + . (period) – Snaps the current Metro application to the other side of the screen. (Left side)
Win + J – switches focus between snapped Metro applications.
Win + Page Up / Down – moves the current app to the other monitor.
Win + Tab – opens the Metro application switcher menu, switches between applications.
You might notice that we didn’t show screenshots of how all these shortcut keys work, and there’s a reason for that: you need to test them out for yourself to really learn how they work.
Win+X – lunch kind of start menu, very useful
Windows Key + Print Screen saves a screenshot into your Pictures folder. It’s quite handy.

Please share if we missed any other shortcuts..

Friday, January 17, 2014


What is Driver?
A driver is software that allows your computer to communicate with hardware or devices. Without drivers, the hardware you connect to your computer (for example, a video card or a webcam) will not work properly.

Find the below sites for the latest/Updated drivers for your PC or Laptop

Sites for PC Drivers

First 2 sites are best for laptop drivers..

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys

The followings are shortcut keys and mouse shortcuts that can be used for Microsoft Word

Mouse shortcuts
Double-click (on a word)
Select the word.
Single-click (anywhere in asentence) + Holding CTRL
Select the entire sentence.
Triple-click (anywhere in a paragraph)
Select the entire paragraph.
Click, hold, drag, then release
Select text from the click position to release position.
Click first position, hold SHIFT key, then click 2nd position
Select text from the 1st position to the 2nd position.
Hold ALT key, then click and drag
Vertical select text.
Hold CTRL key, then scroll wheel
Zoom in/out.

Keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl + A
Select all (including text, graphics).
Ctrl + B
Ctrl + I
Ctrl + U
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + X
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + Z
Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + P
Open the print dialog.
Ctrl + K
Insert link.
Ctrl + L
Left align.
Ctrl + E
Center align.
Ctrl + R
Right align.
Ctrl + M
Ctrl + (left arrow)
Moves one word to the left.
Ctrl + (right arrow)
Moves one word to the right.
Ctrl + (up arrow)
Moves cursor to the beginning of the paragraph.
Ctrl + (down arrow)
Moves cursor to the end of the paragraph.
Ctrl + Shift + F
Change font.
Ctrl + Shift + *
View/hide non-printing characters.
Ctrl + Del
Deletes word to the right of cursor.
Ctrl + Backspace
Deletes word to the left of cursor.
Ctrl + End
Moves cursor to the end of document.
Ctrl + Home
Moves cursor to the beginning of document.
Ctrl + Spacebar
Reset highlighted text to the default font.
Ctrl + 1
Ctrl + 2
Ctrl + 5
Ctrl + Alt + 1
Format text: heading 1.
Ctrl + Alt + 2
Format text: heading 2.
Ctrl + Alt + 3
Format text: heading 3.
Repeat the last action
Go to .
Spelling and grammar.
Save as.
F8 then (left arrow)
Increase selection to the left by one character
F8 then (right arrow)
Increase selection to the right by one character
Ctrl + F1
Task Pane.
Ctrl + F2
Print preview.
Alt + Ctrl + F2
New document.
Shift + F3
Cycle between capitalized formats
Ctrl + Insert
Shift + Insert
Shift + End
Select from current position to the end of the line.
Shift + Home
Select from current position to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl + Shift + (left arrow)
Select from current position to the beginning of the word.
Ctrl + Shift + (right arrow)
Select from current position to the end of the word.
Ctrl + Shift + (up arrow)
Select from current position to the
Shift + Page Up
One screen page up.
Shift + Page Down
One screen page down.
Shift + F7
Thesaurus check selected text.
Shift + F12
Ctrl + Shift + F12
Alt + Shift + D
Insert the current date.
Alt + Shift + T
Insert the current timen

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